1. Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter by Theodore Roosevelt is a must-read for any hunter wanting to understand the history of hunting in the States. It shares adventures the former U.S. president had hunting game animals such as wolf, cougar, bear and antelope.
2. Johnny Reb and Billy Yank by Alexander Hunter is a memoir of a civil war veteran who survived near-death-experiences relying on his natural instincts to survive harsh climates during wartime.
3. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper by Nathaniel Woodcock is a great book written by an American trapper who lived in the days when game animals were abundant. He learned how to live off the beaten path in his teenage years and eventually went on to becoming an expert in collecting the furs of muskrat, raccoon, fox and mink.
4. Go Down, Moses by William Faulkner is a fictional piece with a chapter in it called “The Bear” in which a boy gets his first kill and it is a rite of passage moment.
5. Trails and Tribulations by Hap Wilson contains a lot of information on self-sufficiency while living in nature. He was a canoe trip guide in Ontario for many years in a region of big lakes and hard portages.